Saturday, July 01, 2006

Brownhill Creek

Yesterday was a day in Adelaide but I had to get John to a meeting in Belair and as we were very early when I reached the city I thought as I was going past I would have a look to see if my grandparents house on my fathers side was still there. I remember it as being about the only one with paddocks on the other side and a magic creek to play in with bamboos all along it which we played cowboys and Indians, making bows and arrows from the bamboo. The house was still there so I went for a wander around the area and found several walking bridges over the creek and loved this one that mysteriously looked down to a footbridge over the creek, the creek moslty runs through peoples back or front gardens. I had bought the landscape pitt pens and this is trying them out. Not sure of the colours.
When I was heading back to my car I was approached by a woman who asked me what I was doing(I had forgotten about city life and the paranoa of people in the suburbs!) Any way I explained about the house which she told me was her brothers house and some stuff about it that I knew was wrong, date of building etc so now I am going to be on a mission to find out more about that side of the family. I asked my mother who told me what she remembered but unfortunatly even those memories are getting clouded.

1 comment:

Alison said...

Oh, I like the colours - this one reminds me of van Gogh - very nice and interesting story