Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Shells and other things

Not so much of my boots with my sketchbook, it is finally what I would call a proper winter, freezing cold and showers all day. Infact every time I went out I came in wet. These are things by my chair by the fire, odds and ends, broken shells and my favorite grey turbans. something to do. I have been tidying the house and doing mundane chores and have another pair of little dolls under way but after a visit to my doctor yesterday when he told me my sugar levels were up and I am to go on another pill and was I walking. Well no not at the moment so I am doing circuits of the house. There is no point in walking when when I cant see because of the rain and my rubber boots hurt and I am so bundled up it takes ages for my clothes to dry when I come in. I know, I am a wuss. I do hope it stops raining soon but according to the weather lot not until the week end. Which is when I have a class over at Goolwa. Looking forward to that.

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