Sunday, June 05, 2011

Coffin Bay, along the oyster walk

It is very windy today, not terribly nice outside and once more the oysters, which I love upset my tummy so I spent a lot of the night racing to the loo.
I seem to be ok now thank goodness.
So out with the paints, the trees are very low and scrubby, sitting almost bonsai like on top of the small limestone cliffs with plenty around so close to the sea that did not make it.
Huge sandhills in the National Park dominate around the further edges of this huge Bay.
Maybe I will get couple more done but at the moment I am enjoying walking and hand sewing.
I hope every one had a good week end.
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annie said...

Hope all is well by now, Penny. I seem to get into this situation, too, but am never positive which yummy that I love is responsible.

annie said...

PS Oh, I meant to say how much I love that sketch.

Ro Bruhn said...

You've really captured the essence of the day, it's lovely.