Thursday, May 10, 2012

This is the way I feel.

 A week of health ups and downs. I wont go into it all, but I have been so confused I went in for an appointment this morning which is next week.
Yesterday I think I had a bug of some sort, for my early morning Dr's appointment, I was there, he was there, but he forgot me and went off. A physio appoinmtnet and half way through I felt terribly dizzy and was terrified I was going to vomit. I managed to get home and slept for 3 hours.
So I didnt get to the next appoinment for the Dr that was booked.
Toe is misbehaving.
So, I am back to Indian ink and a feather which did lighten my day briefly.
Take no notice of the waffle, I am sure there is going to be lots of light at the end of the tunnel, I just need to find the tunnel.
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Wanda..... said...

Your feather drawings and layered flowers are very nice, Penny...the flower pattern would make a lovely design for fabric...I can imagine a pretty pillow!

My husband has had an 'up and down' difficulty this week. Developed a severe case of gout in both knees, had to be hospitalized. He's home and on the mend now. Hope your issues are over soon too!

Julie said...

Dear Penny...please see that doctor and find out what is going on...I will worry about you until you are feeling better! I am sending you GET WELL wishes, thoughts and prayers!

Jo Murray said...

Oh dear... I'd be looking at changing doctors after he left you sitting there. Hope your problem is soon fixed.