Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A little bit tropical

Although it has been a very grey and overcast, with rain, few days.
Not too sticky today but it was yesterday.
The 100th birthday went off well and we are all recovering from a few days of high indulgence!
These flowers are in a pot on J's verandah, where normally we spend a lot of time but not this year.
No walks on the beach but i have braved the pool so I have had some exercise!
We hope to look at the beach tomorrow but I think it will be interesting as a lot has been washed away.
Not a lot of time on the computer as there is a house full.
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Friday, February 22, 2013

Been a bad blogger

 I havent had a lot of time to sketch and this is the best I can do, I had a 4 day workshop and then it was stinking hot, a day in Adelaide (hair and teeth!!) and some how the time has run away from me.
we are heading up to the Gold Coast in Queensland on Sunday morning, wet and steamy I think, not the weather I like but lovely to catch up with so many friends and we wouldnt miss the 100th birthday.
So washing done, ironing sort of, one suitcase between 2 will we manage? I hope so, we shouldnt need a lot of clothes for the weather, bathers are the most important and a cover up and glad rags for the birthday.
I just dont like leaving here with it being so dry, and the house sitter doesnt 'do' watering, so I hope the main sprinkler system is working ok, although it is sods law that it wont.
Food for the dogs and the chooks and something for my sitter to eat so I hope all will be well.
I love weeds, and weeds with seedheads like these, this is from my imagination but I quite like the composition, snaky leaves and dotty seed heads.
I probably wont manage much more on this blog until we get home (Sunday week) but do look at the other one (on the side bar) as there are sure to be photos.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Silly I know but...

 I think my muse, and my get up and go have left me at the moment and it is all a bit depressing.
I have been fairly busy doing domestic stuff and am half way through another tidy of my work room but all I could come up with was this ill assorted three some.
We had a party last night fort my granddaughter Gaby's 21st, a lovely night, her actual birthday is this coming week but we had a lamb on a spit and as it started early we were finished relatively early as well.
Just as well as I have been having aching knees, again, and after standing for quite a while bed was a nice place to be.
I just hope I perk up as I have a 4 day workshop next week and I still havent really got together the stuff I need for it.
John has been fishing today, so I hope we have fish for dinner, it has been quite cool and we had a bit of rain overnight so the washing I did today is still drying, actually I havent quite finished it, there is one more load to put on the line.
Perhaps I will finish with a Haiku by Basho

Wandering, dreaming,
in fever
Dreaming that dreams
forever wander.

Now I wonder what all that is about?
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Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Having fun with birds

 Every so often I have fun playing with bird shapes.
Amazing as for years I really didnt think I could 'do' birds, but then these are fun.
It is warming up, having come home so tired from my few days away in Victoria looking at pony studs and now it has taken a while for me to get my act together.
It was so cold last week and over the week end and now suddenly the temperatures are heading up again.
I much prefer the cooler weather.
After the news that they have found Richard 111's skeleton I have gone back to the bookshelves and found Josephine Tey's book 'The daughter of time' which was one of the first books, albeit fiction that gave a good explanation of him and that all the histories that people took as gospel about him were written years and years after his death and by the Tudors.
I think it is very exciting and hope he now will get a better press than wretched Thomas Moore gave him.
We had a lovely walk on the beach this morning, lots of very enthusiastic dogs but I came home with a wretched aching knee. I will be glad when I get some idea of what might be done with it but that isnt until more than a month away, we will have been to Queensland and back by then!
I seem to have sorted out a heap of busy days for me, next week a 3day class over at Goolwa and that will be fun, so off to look for what I need to take to that one.
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