Or I dreamt I was back in Austria.
I had a lot of fun doing this, I just sat and played with shapes and colour and it really did take me back to our skiing days in Austria.
I love house shapes and I am trying to do a few more to translate into some of my textile stuff.
I havent really been able to settle to anything today and I will be so glad when tomorrow is over.
When asked what I thought might win the Melbourne cup I suggested Zipping, as that is what will happen to Tab tomorrow!
It is warming up a bit here now but I still have a fire in.
This is really lovely Penny, I'm not surprised you had fun doing it. I like the mutued colours and shading and the trees add a whimsical touch. Very Euro. Well done.
It is formal but not symmetrical and I like the trees balancing each side. Lovely.
Have a good day. My sons are mad keen on betting for the Melbourne Cup. It all started one year when the three of them all won! They put the money into our house, bless them.
I like this one very much
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