Thursday, January 17, 2013

Playing with paint

I have been playing with paint and paper, sprays, stencils and stamps. Fun to do something pretty mindless on such a hot and horrid day.
We have had a not good week, lost a little mare through an accident, we have a nast fire burning north of Adelaide, far enough away from us but it is still a worry, so hot Adelaide got to 43 degrees c I am not sure what we got to, not quite that hot.
We were in Adelaide yesterday but were home early so although I find this weather makes me terribly weary, it was bearable, not today.
So finding things to layer on pieces of paper is great fun and doesnt mean I have to think too much!
Of course I couldnt find the bird lino cut so had to make an awful mess looking for it. I need to label drawers.
I spent most of the day reading, not something I do all that often but when the weather is like this its bliss.
Off to shut the hens up and think about a cool salady sort of dinner.
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Suztats said...

It's fun to have a play day!
Sorry you've had a bad week, and I hope the next one is better.
Take care.

Jo Murray said...

Good luck with the fires Penny. It's been hot all over. It can only improve. Take care of yourself.

Peceli and Wendy's Blog said...

These look like fun to do and give good results. In Geelong we haven't had it hot except for one day. Lovely weather for picnics and drives. Amazing what with bushfires in so mny places. 'I love a sunburnt country' - well not fine for many people at present.