we are having a bit of a lay day today, an early morning walk and a dinner ncruise on the Katherinr river up the gorges.
I did the first one while we were still in kakadu, some of the dyed parndanus used in weaving I was gicen at Oenpeli in arnhemland and a sketch of the spirit woman which was in our room, just pencil over a background of a tea bag.
The leaves I picked up on my walk this morning and usinf them as stencils I put a mix of tea bag and coffee over them and then painted in the details a lot of fun but all this travelling and walking in 37 degree heat gets a bit much for us old people!
For photos go and look on my back valley seasons blog.
I really like those leaf pictures. Very suitable, with autumn happening soon.
You've done well Penny... in that heat. I'd be heading straight for bed after a day out.
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