Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sketchbook pages

I dont quite know why there is a black line down the middle of this page, but I did have to put a strip of paper down between the next pages as they were a bit insecure.
Just faces and a bird I was trying to draw who was outside the bedroom window, I had terrible trouble with its legs as it kept on moving.
Well I saw my GP today who basically said I had a b------d knee and has advised a specialist who I will see in November.
I actually feel a bit better knowing that there is something wrong with it and that I wasnt imagining things.
So I still have to wait to see if its a replacement or just an arthroscope, or perhaps I just put up with it!
I pulled a couple of large wheelbarrows of weeds today, but have a lot more to do, I find that once it was 3 wheelbarrows, now it is only 2. Bother getting old.
Another snippet from one of Roger McKnight's poems.
The earth is round;
that part I see
describes a circle
out from me;
my swag's tight-rolled:
but that is all.
I hear the plover's ravelled call.


Karin Bartimole said...

I think the way you've captured the bird's legs gives the feeling of motion - well done! I'm sorry to hear about your knee - I hope the specialist can help you resolve it through non-invasive means. Maybe some p/t? Though if you do need knee replacement, I know the improvement can be like night and day, having seen a friend and my father in law go through it with great success. Wishing you well, xo Karin

Robin Mac said...

Hope the news is good when you see the specialist - at least your doctor only said you had a b------d knee. When I rang the specialist to see about my knee, I spoke to his wife (whom I know) and she asked when they were sending me to the glue factory!!!!Thankd goodness it is behaving itself at present. I love Gwen Hedley's books. Cheers, Robin