Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Cyclone Yasi, category 5

The largest cyclone in living memory is bearing down upon the North Queensland coast, expected to cross the coast at about 10.30 our time with winds of 300 km /hour, at least 700 ml of rain, my heart goes out to all who have to go through 10 to 15 hours of the relentless winds, possible catastrophic loss to homes and businesses.
As if Queensland hasnt had enough.
My very poor sketch and notes will remind me for ever.
I wonder what we will wake up to tomorrow.
I am glad I live where we have devastating fires, but not this.


Julie said...

I'm so glad you are not safe and I am praying for the folks that live in that area...I hope they all get OUT OF THERE!!!!!

annie said...

As Julie says....I was just reading Wendy's & Peceli's blog about the storm. So frightening. Thoughts and prayers for the folks going through these storms and floods--Australia has been so hammered, already.


The Weaver of Grass said...

My heart goes out to them all too - let's just pray it isn't as bad as it is expected to be.

Nat Palaskas said...

Are you glad that they came out of the cyclone without any injury - thanks goodness. Penny, you are and artist or wow. I love your painting and drawing. I wish I could draw - Hugs
PS: and a grandma too!