Tuesday, January 17, 2012

More play

It has been terribly hot and I have had a horse show and visitors so things have been a little out of hand.
Today I didnt do very much except watch outside incase of fire, the winds were awful, I did feel sorry for the poor riders in the Tour Down Under having to battle into the wind in temperatures that were said to be over 40degrees C.
I played with a bit of paper and paint and cut out a few small things to sew while I sit. I cant get enthused about doing too much as my sewing room gets pretty hot.
I am waiting for some photos from my daughter of our pony who went Supreme of Show on Sunday, the entries were not good but he still had to beat a few and two rings to take it out.
I went up but came home a bit after lunch as it looked as if the show would go on for quite aq while and it was an hour or so drive with Sunday traffic, motor bikes and cyclists. Slow and difficult I was glad to get home.
Hoses are on and the temps are down a bit thank goodness I just hope the garden survives and we have enough water to see us through this year.
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John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

I don't think I'd do much at 40C either! 40F would be nice here at tha moment!

Wanda..... said...

Hot and dry there and an unusually warm 53F here for winter. Your doodle brings to mind fancy buildings and party hats!

Gaby Bee said...

This is beautiful, Penny. Love the lush colors!

Have a good day!

Angela said...

I love the Indian feel to your castles.