Monday, January 23, 2012

Plantain and bladder wrack

Having been enthused by the lovely book in my previous post, we went walking along the beach and rocky headland at Pt Elliott on Saturday morning. I thought most of the plantain ahd died but I found a few plants in the grassy paddock between the rocks and the caravan park. On the beach there was not much bladder wrack but I did find enough as well as the kelp to sketch something.
It has got terribly hot and humid, not much fun unless I am near where the fan is blowing. Unfortunately that is not usually where I work.
Max the new dog is settling in well, so far he hasnt eaten the chooks or jumped a fence, but he does tell me he wants to be near me, and sticks very close on our early and late walks, a good thing but I dont think he has seen open spaces like this before, certainly not ponies and cows!
Dont forget to go and look at what I am giving a way, you have until the 27th of January to comment on my other blog here.
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shirley said...

These are great illustrations I like the colours, You are very good with watercolours.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Nice pictures with a great sense of place.

Wanda..... said...

I will forever look at the platain in my yard differently! As a child I used to collect the seed heads for pretend/play cooking!

virginia said...

Why is it called bladder wrack? Does it wrack one's bladder if one eats it? If so, why? Or is it because it has little bladders?

Max sounds lovely, bless his heart.

