Friday, November 17, 2006

Rain and lightning storm

I sketched this at Baudin Beach on Kangaroo Island while there was a storm coming over the sea. I suddenly realised that there was thunder and lightning and thought I had better get into the car. This is a tiny little breakwater for I should think small boats, I liked the way it was just sitting there. Of course this is not on the open sea but in a big inlet so doesnt get too much heavy wave damage.
John is not at all well so I am now worrying that a/ I will go down with his disease and b/that I shouldnt be leaving him. I really cant do anything about my arrangements tho as you cant get judges at the last minute.
I walked the dogs last night and came across the carcass, minus the head of a large black and white bird which I think must be an ibis, I dont usually see them dead so I dont know what happened to it. Foxes had been at it so really only wings and feathers left.


Peceli and Wendy's Blog said...

A good drawing to add to your holiday story.
I hope your husband gets well soon, with your plans to go to Ballarat. Life gets so complicated at times.

Julie Oakley said...

Oh so sorry to read about John and your worries. Th drawing really has a feel of imminent bad weather.

Alison said...

Sounds like you have been ver busy - I hope you can get a rest now and John is getting better. We had 34 yesterday and last night had to sleep with not even a sheet - yuk

Alison said...

I forgot to say, I really like this sketch - it gives a lovely feel of storm over water.