Sunday, October 21, 2007

Cheese Festival

Today John and I went over to McLaren Vale for the cheese festival. As dairy farmers it is good to try some of the end product, although some does come from goat and I was really pleased to find that our neighbours down the road are back making cheese from their goats as they had a lovely very french style chevrotan that I have always liked and missed when they stopped a few years ago.
I did this quick sketch while waiting for John to bring to the table I had managed to snaffle some oysters and a glass of white wine, cheese always go with wine, and the oysters are the last for this year.
We got there very early as it was hot, 35 degrees and windy and thought we would be before the crowds, which we were so had time to talk to the cheese makers get a good park and were on our way by 12.
Another colt was born before we got home, he is very nice, but this makes 9 colts and 2 fillies, with 2 more to foal, and possible 2 more very late. I wonder if this is natures way of telling us we are in for a very nasty drought.
Oh and I have played a little bit with new backgrounds for my blogs. I think I like this one, my other blog has a different one.

1 comment:

Lin said...

Hi Penny!!! NEAT sketch!!! And funny -- we were at a goat farm yesterday too -- their cheeses are fabulous, aren't they!!! So glad to see you sketching again! Hope your mom's better, too!