Friday, February 15, 2008

What I take with me to paint and sketch

The first photo is what I carry with me in my handbag, a plastic screw top jar of water, an A6 spiral notebook and a uniball waterproof pen 0.2 and a toothbrush case with some square Barry Umpton (checkz republic) watercolors held in with blue tack and a couple of brushes. the colors in this set aurelian, helio light yellow, madder rose, cad red, ultramarine, ceurelean, cobalt green, raw sienna and burnt umber. Not sure why the green is there but I do use it.
Next is what I have set up in a W & N traveling set for America, Cotmans lemon yellow, raw sienna, burnt umber, light red, alazarin crimson. ultramarine and Paynes Grey.
Next set is my small metal traveling set of schimcke (?sp!!) colors, Cad red, Indian yellow, Yellow ochre, burnt sienna, helio cereulian, ultramarine, Paynes Grey, ruby red, pure yellow, raw sienna, sepia and olive green my summer set for here. and last another little cotman traveling box with cad yellow pale, cad yellow, yellow ochre, burnt sienna. burnt umber, raw umber, cad red pale, aliz crimson, cobalt blue, ultramarine, cereulian, raw sienna. earth and sea and sky colors. I am still working out which I like best so I take one one time and another at another time.
For home I tend to use W & N artist colors. the last photo is of some small spiral bound and arches paper books to take with me.
A snake in the house today, too much excitement.

1 comment:

Peceli and Wendy's Blog said...

Thanks Penny. That is a really well thought out box of colours! Good to have stuff with you anywhere - everywhere just in case you see something interesting.
I did laugh at the last sentence though - a snake! How Australian to just say - oh, oh, by the way there was a snake around! Wow! There have been some around Geelong a friend told us - he has a plant nursery so they come for the water.