Saturday, July 17, 2010


I have been doing a bit of nonsense sketching inspired by this book that arrived yesterday. I think it is a great book for getting one going and it would also be great for teaching children although often children have more idea than we do of how things should look and how to go about doing it.
Any way I love it and you may see more odd bits of nonsense coming from my pen.
It is funny, once I thought I had to go by the rules of drawing, painting and sketching, at the ripe old age of 70 I am now realising that if I like it who cares about other people, I can do what I want and not aspire to be the best painter, sketcher or whatever, I know I will never be.
I like to please myself.
Is that selfish? I tend to think not, I think it is a way of freeing ones self and going where one never went before.
I admire those with more imagination than I have, who can use colour brilliantly and who paint beautifully, but it is not me and I must admit there are times when I look at what I have done and think, hmm thats not too bad at all.
I will admit it doesnt happen very often, but just occasionally...

This is a pretty awful bit of doggerel.

To paint and sew,
by the rules,

as others do,
is not my lot
but the freedom of playing is
far more enjoyable for me.


annie said...

"To please myself"... Peg Bracken said it best when she turned 81:


juliaD said...

Hi, Thanks you for joining my followers!!...I see you are from Sunny South Australia...and finding your art passions later in life like me...What bliss to just do what you like isn't it?...and do it for yourself and no one else..I love that book, and am planning to buy it

ArtPropelled said...

I hop between your two blogs and today I'm catching up here. This book looks inviting and I'm hoping to win a copy in a lucky draw.
Don't you just love the quote by Peg Bracken?

Unknown said...

One of life's best kept secrets is just how good it is to gain the wisdom that comes with age. One of these pieces of wisdom being the freedom to do what you wish and to be yourself, what a shame it takes so long to realise this.
Thanks for the book tip.
Keep well & happy.

Peceli and Wendy's Blog said...

That poem says something to me - so true. No growing old gracefully, but sometimes disgracefully. Have fun with the Picasso type drawings. I've been on the computer for two hours and I suppose I must do a bit of tidy up now!

Penny said...

Thanks Annie, I love this.