I thought I would have a go at doing a grid of what took my fancy. A shearing demonstration, a champion ram, an exhibit of stationary engines, a blow up boat, a pony in harness, A demonstration of ? some sort of Japanese martial art, A family talking and a stall with umbrellas, there were lots of umbrellas. Grids are fun but I had trouble with the pencil smudging. I hope if you click on it you can see a larger picture.
My grand daughter took out the Supreme hack of Show with her galloway hack which was unexpected as when I saw him he was misbehaving badly! Although not in the ring. We did a circuit and saw lots of stalls talked to friends, bought a geranium and a rubber hammer (dont ask!) and came home to a late lunch and another foal, born while we were away, a pale chestnut colt, I am not enthused by colts although I know that as geldings they sell readily.
We had to come home early as we are cutting the first of our silage and John was wanting to keep an eye on how it was all going.
I love your grid - it´s a beautiful document of your day with all the details about what you saw and did. Great work!
An assortment of goings-on at the show - much better than photos. I had to double-click on the pic to really see it though! I hope you take your sketchbook to your fibres/fabrics workshop and quietly draw a few of the goings-on there!
Good.I like it.
It is very impressive.
Lovely momento of the day.I always think our drawings will be an endless source of fascination to our descendants when we're long gone and this is one that I think would be very interesting.
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