Friday, September 01, 2006


Well if you look at Back Valley Seasons blog you will see that I had an awful day. The first sketch is what my evening walks will be all about, looking under the pregnant mares to see if their udders look like this.
Usually that means they will foal fairly soon, but not always.
The second sketch is obviously me being tired,(eg its not at all good!) this was a little grey Kestrel who was hovering over the native rat holes I had just negotiated with my dicky knee, to hold the Welsh Cob mare belonging to my daughter who had managed to get into the wrong paddock. While waiting for John to get a heavier pair of bolt cuutters to open the gates we needed to get her in and out of this little kestrel was hovering and swooping a few metres away from me.
Oh boy am I tired tonight, I have walked miles.

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