Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Frustrating day

It is hot and windy, so the trees are shedding both bark and leaves, I was going to do the bark but my pen decided to play up so leaves, again.
I had a mare and foal out this morning, came in after grrr not making headway in getting them back, only to look there half an hour later and they had put themselves back.
I cant find a fibre book I need and know I have but I have turned the house upside down and cant find it., more frustration.
The garden is dying before my eyes and I cant water, that is depressing and John is depressed about the weather and lack of rain and is paying the employees, two of whom are on workers comp so are not actually working, and paying what bills he can and worrying that we will be away for 2 weeks from the 20th. Mega frustration. Sorry about the grumbles, always bad at this time of the year.


Alison said...

Oh, poor you - I hope you get rain soon - it's so sad to see the gardens die away. There's a lady around the corner that has kept her lawn going for 50 years, but now it is nearly dead - I think she has given up and it was her pride and joy.

Peceli and Wendy's Blog said...

I really sympathize with people on the land. We complain in our little suburban gardens but it is much worse for farmers.
Our lawns have greened up a bit lately with some rain, but as I walk through the suburbs there are several dead or dying trees. Now they tell me that soapy water doesn't do much good for the worms, either.

Julie Oakley said...

Oh I do feel for you - so much at the mercy of the weather.