Well I have had a very mixed week, not terribly pleasant in parts and I have a sense of foreboding about my mother. It is never pleasant when ones sister writes you a nasty letter but I hope we can move on.
I am not getting anything done except cleaning the house, although I did see Millie and Gaby and Tabby briefly today and finally got the brass sort of polished, so both the silver and brass twinkles in the fire light, but I know it really isnt properly done.
I played with the fish last night, and then discovered that I cant spell! Pretty typical but there you are.
I had cramp in the middle of the night last night and drew the geese without my glasses and with a pen that didnt want to draw, so the beak on the front one is all wrong. Although the one peering underneath doesnt look quite so bad.
Considering that my eye sight without my glasses is pretty woeful and I cant see a thing out of my left eye I suppose it could have been worse.
So I am trying to get together all the stuff for Broken Hill and wondering if I can get there at all.
We have a holiday week end this one coming and I do hope John and I can go for a walk.
There is nothing in the garden to photograph and I am running out of things to draw, write about, the lot. Sometimes I wonder why I even do it, is anyone out there reading?
No I am just feeling sorry for myself, not sleeping at all well and really wanting a bit of me time to get into my workrooms.
Sitting alone at 2 am
wishing the cramp in my leg
would go,
You should try tonic water with quinine for the leg cramps...
Geese look pretty good to me, especially for 2 in the morning !
Yes I am reading. When you run out of things to draw you could do the" everydaymatters "challenges. The first one is draw a shoe. It's fun and frustrating. I like your ducks!
Cheer up, mate. Magnesium is good against leg cramps - a tablet a day takes the leg cramps away. Your geese look great. As for nasty letters from the family: I just take no notice. If they're on the computer I get rid of them, otherwise the waste paper bin. Why should one make oneself unhappy?
Well Penny, I'm always here reading and enjoying your blogs!
Forgive your sister, Penny...no doubt she was not at her best and will regret it...just keep yourself in good spirits. I enjoy reading about your life and home! Your sketching is inspiring!
I am out here reading!!! I love your blog and your sketches and poetry. Please keep going with this whole thing, OK?
You mentioned the letter from your sister...I wonder if this has you temporarily down. Please keep up your spirits...I'm sure it will all work out soon, and you will have more energy for things.
Thankyou for your comment on my drawing of the mug! I truely appreciate it!!!
Take care of yourself, OK???
xoxo- Julie
Have a lovely trip to Broken Hill. Is that where the artist Pro Hart came from?
The cold weather is causing trouble with legs it seems. Even my very fit brother has sciatica or something.
Hi, Penny, I am sitting here and reading (I came over from Arija)! I hope you are feeling better.
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