Saturday, July 08, 2006


The wattle trees have finally come into full bloom in the plantings around the paddocks and they absolutely glow in the gloomy weather we have been having. This was a very quick sketch last night while I was walking. It lightened my rather gloomy spirits as the black pug still hasnt appeard and I really have given up hope now.
;This was done in a tiny Moleskine that I had in my parka pocket. Ink and watercolour pencils.


Alison said...

Lovely yellow wattle and I like the shadows on the ground too. I wonder what happened to the little pug - was it very old or has something got it?

Penny said...

I have no idea what happened to her Alison, just gone from the garden, but there are so many things around the farm, tractors, workmen driving cars and trucks, the manure ponds. All to awful to contemplate.

Julie Oakley said...

So sorry to hear about the pug.