Monday, August 21, 2006

Sandhills behind Parsons Beach

In a way I am going to be cheating this week as I can see that I am going to do the same rather boring walk all week as John has gone down with a virus and I am not going to have a lot of time so although I will be walking my drawings and paintings will be of other walks I have been on. I need to have some time to paint properly and not sketch quickly.
I made a bit of a mess of this one in the middle when I tried to add some shadow, and it is definetly rather impressionistic. Lots of mistakes but at least I am back to watercolour.


Alison said...

This gives a lovely impression of sand dunes.

Jana Bouc said...

This is beautiful. I've been really enjoying scrolling through all of your wonderful watercolors and drawings, seeing a part of the world I've never been. Bogs and swamps and dunes and ponies...oh different from the city!