Sunday, October 08, 2006

Paddy's garden

I am back from my week in Adelaide doing the Fibre Forum, a lovely week, very busy, very full on and I had fun with my design course.
I walked early every morning, or when I got to the school where it was held and wandered around the streets there. It was the school I left 50 years ago and have never been back. Very interesting to see what had been done and how it had changed.
I have put some of my samples up on my Back Valley seasons blog. (see links).
The lamp in Paddy's garden is on a lean, not my eyes this time, I sat looking back at her garage with a yellow banksia rose scrambling all over it, with roses infront and a hedge and small rock garden.
I have to say I had very little time to sketch on my actual walk as I had to be off early but I did do some and others I took photos.
I had my 67th birthday up there on Wednesday and we celebrated with champagne and take away chinese and phone calls from some of the family The first time I think that I havent had my birthday with John since I met him. The nicest thing was one of the girls in the class bringing in a lovely apple cake for us all to enjoy. The next day I had a celebratory lunch with a friend who turned 80 today and some other firends. Today a 70th Birthday celebration for another friend!! Along with a grand sons on Saturday it has been a week of birthdays.


Lin said...

SUPER JOB, PENNY!! Love the variations in your foliage!

Peceli and Wendy's Blog said...

Good on you for keeping up the drawing while so busy. Hey, you are one year younger than me!

Julie Oakley said...

Ha, caught out by Paddy. Actually very nice and what kind of paint are you using? It has an opaque look like gouache, but the whole scanning and viewing on a monitor can change things quite a bit.