Friday, January 22, 2010


Well at least I could see these, the pheasant shells look a bit as if they have taken a leaf out of an African war shield. They are one of our commoner shells and they come in a variety of shell patterns and I love them. I used to love watching them on the sea grass when I was diving.
There is a bushfire out of control a few kilometers away but I dont think is really any threat to us, although the wind change has sent it more into our direction but there is a lot of open farm land between it and us. I am not sure if it started in the pine forests and wether it was deliberately lit or not although there is a suspicion that we have a fire bug in the area.
At least it is cooler now, it was very uncomfortable this morning when I went in to shop.
I found trying to read the prices on the supermarket shelves a lot more difficult today, am I suddenly realising that I really do have a problem seeing?
So I came home and sketched and did some hand sewing, I have a lot to do and it is no good sitting around feeling sorry for myself.
I think maybe I have put up this Haiku by Basho before but it doesnt matter, it is a nice one.
Jewels of small shells
in ripples
of sand, tangled
with kelp and rubbish.


Rachel Phillips said...

The shells are lovely. They inspire me to go to the beach Perhaps a trip to the beach is on the cards next week. Thank you.

Wanda..... said...

I hope you don't experience a lot of distress over your eyesight until your appointment, Penny. Things will eventually be better. At least the dust around the house won't be as obvious to you, sometimes, when I put on my reading glasses, I'm shocked at what I suddenly see! :)

The Weaver of Grass said...

I hope the fire is under control by now Penny.
Those are lovely shells I have not heard of before.
Sorry about your eyesight - as we get older all our faculties seem to become a problem dont they?

ArtPropelled said...

Lovely shell sketch, Penny. Pity someone doesn't catch that fire bug! It's beyond me why people do such things.
I had a quiet chuckle after reading Wanda's comment about putting on reading glasses and suddenly seeing the dust. Sounds like me!