Friday, March 05, 2010

Conwy Castle

Digital Gran aka Margaret Roberts took the photo that I sketched this from.
A step back to last year's trip to the UK, seems a long way ago now, but in reality not so far.
I am not sure if we should have done that trip as we have lost our drought status and are going to be extremely broke for the next while, it takes at least 2 years to get back after a drought and we dont really know if we are out of this one. Governments have other things to spend their money on and as producers we are at the mercy of those who provide feed for our dairy cows and those who sell our milk. I sometimes wonder why any of us are still in the industry, no one is making money.
Yes of course we should have made that trip, it is something to hold onto, something to remember with great pleasure.
They are promising us rain, again, will it or wont it, we may know tomorrow, at the moment it is calm and cool and a few clouds but no wind.
We walked this morning, I again braved the horrors of Woolworths, John thank heaven was in control of the trolley when it nearly tipped over on a piece of very badly designed footpath, I am in no doubt we will have to cope with that for years to come.
The crickets are singing, yesterday I heard on the radio that they build a chamber especially to make the noise louder, cant remember what the bits of them are that make the noise, it sounded rude so in case I miss spell it I am not going to try. What ever they sound nice and comforting.
I knew that there had to be a Haiku about a cricket by Basho.
Under a helmet
Hung in a shrine,
a cricket
chirps his last command.

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