Monday, August 23, 2010

Roonka on the River Murray

If you go to my other blog there is more of an explanation on what we did yesterday (see my side bar).
I did these quick sketches yesterday, they didnt come out terribly well when I scanned them, I did them in a tiny book and added some water colour while I was standing up doing them.
The first is on the ruined house near where we had lunch and the second is of the billabong in front of the house, at least there was water in there and birds, lots of birds looking for nesting hollows, black swans and pelicans. Dead trees and live ones, bull rushes. The cliffs behing. I think you may have to click on them to see them better.
a lovely tiring day.
Todays Haiku is by Boncho.

The sun has gone down
beyond a dead tree
an old eagle's nest.

1 comment:

ArtPropelled said...

Beautiful haiku and I do like these watercolours, Penny. They are very calming. Nothing to jar the nerves.